
AHR – The Show to See

It’s been a long year, and we’re all hoping that 2022 brings better business, more opportunities, and a chance to connect. One way to ensure that is to attend the AHR Expo in Las Vegas from Jan 31st-Feb 2nd

Why AHR?

  • New Tech – No other HVAC conference draws the same number of companies, engineers, and innovators that AHR does. The New Product & Technology Theaters alone will host more than 115 presentations. See the newest trends in the industry, the latest solutions, and where technology will be taking your business next.
  • Network – The last year may have left you feeling isolated. AHR is the perfect place to reconnect with your industry. From the show floor to the numerous educational sessions and beyond, this show is the place to meet people from all sectors of the HVAC industry.
  • Learning Opportunities – This year’s show will feature over 80 sessions on a wide variety of topics, so there will surely be something for you to learn and expand your professional career and HVAC knowledge.
  • More Learning Opportunities – ASHRAE will be offering numerous free and paid sessions as a part of their concurrent Winter Conference, with PDHs/CEUs available for attendance.
  • Podcast Pavilion – Meet the people behind your favorite HVAC podcasts (or find a favorite one), win prizes, and attend meet & greets
  • See Us! We will be in booth C1575 with the latest information on the zoning solutions you can trust and lots of new stuff to talk about! Feel free to add us to your show planner, and we can set up a personal meeting or whatever you may need!

Education, new tech, networking, and more, AHR is the show to go to, and we hope to see you in Vegas to start 2022 off right!

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