
Fresh Air and a Fresh Approach with CoolMizer

CoolMizer Adds Fresh Air and Adds to Your Bottom Line

The addition of fresh air to a home is a concern for your customers. Increasingly health-conscious consumers will be aware of the guidance from organizations like the American Lung Association regarding the importance of proper ventilation. And of course, proper fresh air introduction is just the right way to do business, with guidelines like ASHRAE 62.1-2019 laying out just how often an adequately constructed HVAC system should change over a building’s air. Here’s how you can get fresh air and a fresh approach with CoolMizer.

The challenge with bringing in fresh air is how to manage that changeover. It can seem that there are as many solutions as there are techs in the field. But any solution has to balance the need for fresh air with not overtaxing the HVAC system by introducing humid air or air that is of a radically different temperature, causing excessive adjustment.

Enter CoolMizer from Arzel Zoning.

CoolMizer works smart, delivering ventilation air or free conditioning by selectively introducing outdoor air to a home’s system.

What does selectively introducing mean?

  • Air is drawn into the home through an opening controlled by the CoolMizer unit.
  • Fresh air introduction is based on pre-set temperature and humidity parameters.
  • CoolMizer holds off mechanical conditioning when the incoming air is within parameters.
  • In the event of a second-stage call, it will bring the mechanical system online at its lowest operating mode.
  • In the event the outside air is unfavorable, CoolMizer closes the damper and returns to normal mechanical service.
  • Any call serviced by the central HVAC system must end before the CoolMizer interrupts again so that the system won’t jump back & forth

Add to that the fact that CoolMizer works with our without an existing HVAC zoning system, that it allows you to easily program your service parameter, and the ease of installing, and you have a solution that makes a homeowner happy, meets and exceeds industry standards, and adds to your bottom line.

Learn more about CoolMizer and add growth potential to your business today.

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