
HVAC Industry Trends and Arzel’s Response to Them

Like every other industry and business concept, the HVAC industry has its ebbs, its flows, and its trends. In the past year or so, a couple different trends have floated to top of the list:

1) The Green Initiative

I can already hear the groans pouring forth. Aren’t we done with “going green?” Hasn’t that been run into the ground yet? Yes and no. While the terms are more worn out than five-year-old socks that have been converted into wash rags for your car, the concept still stands solid. I don’t think any of us would say we are tired of making this planet a healthier and cleaner place for ourselves and future generations; and the HVAC industry has found out that they can do their part as well.

Arzel’s answer: the Evergreen system. It uses 30-50% less electricity than PSC motors. This makes for clean comfort as well as happy homeowners when they get those lower utility bills.

2) User-Friendly Technology

Everyone today is driven by the latest gadgets and gizmos, but they still want it to be easy to use. What good is technology if we can’t figure out how to use it? That kind of defeats the purpose, right? The same concept applies to home heating and cooling systems. A homeowner doesn’t want to have to call his or her contractor in the fear of messing something up every single time he or she wants to change the temperature settings in the home. What homeowners want is a system where they can walk over to the thermostat, push that little button, and get exactly what they were trying to get.

Arzel’s answer: any of our systems. All of the Arzel zoning systems are compatible with whatever thermostat the homeowner is comfortable with, so they can make their home as high-tech or low-tech as they would like.

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