
The Importance of Continuing Education

The HVAC industry is an ever-changing field. New technologies such as app-driven systems and touchscreen thermostats are entering the industry every year, and manufacturers are constantly making improvements on products. A great way to keep up with these changes is through continuing education classes.

Continuing education (CE) classes are important for every contractor in the HVACR field for various reasons. Staying on top of the industry trends and newly introduced technologies keeps you better informed and make you a valued consultant to homeowners. Knowing about all the changes and understanding the ins and outs of the products and their features allows you to provide them with more options for their home comfort, and your up-to-date knowledge will earn their trust, landing you a repeat customer. According to the NATE website, there is a stark lack of properly trained HVACR technicians –currently, just over 32,000 of them are NATE certified; these classes allow you to renew your contracting license as well.

CE classes also let you keep up with your competitors and maybe even get ahead of them. Knowing information about products they haven’t kept up on will give you a boost with clients over other HVAC contractors.

The NATE website also states that half of the homeowners put off retrofit jobs and new installations because they aren’t sure which contractors have knowledgeable technicians. They live in less than comfortable homes because they aren’t sure which contractors can be trusted to do the job accurately. When you tell them you’re educated on the current industry, you’ll give them a better sense of security, knowing that a trusted, valued consultant is getting the job done right.

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