
Is HVAC Zoning or Installing a Ductless Mini-Split Better for HVAC Contractors?

Homeowners want their living spaces to be comfortable, stress-free, and visually pleasing. As an HVAC contractor, you know that the right heating and cooling system can mean the difference between a happy customer and lost business. So which of these solutions are going to keep your business thriving? Here’s our take on zoning vs. mini-splits, and which one is better for you and your customers.

Modern HVAC Systems

In order to keep homeowners satisfied, modern HVAC systems need to do more than just heat and cool a house. By tailoring an HVAC system to the individual requirements of the homeowner, you can:

  • Improve energy efficiency
  • Increase health and safety
  • Reduce noise pollution and unattractive units
  • Streamline installations and maintenance

What are the Most Popular HVAC Solutions?

Many of the HVAC projects today involve either ductless mini-splits or zoning systems. Each have their own advantages and disadvantages in how they heat and cool a house.

Ductless mini-splits heat and cool a house by using wall-mounted units. These mini-splits are often used for older homes, renovations, and updates as they do not require existing ducts for installation.

Zoning systems require ductwork, essentially acting as add-on units. They allow you to take a single HVAC system and divide it up into multiple heating and cooling zones. This means that you can set different parts of a home at different temperatures, adding to homeowner comfort.

Mini-Splits vs. Zoning: Which is Better?

For older construction homes or other applications without easy access to ductwork, mini-splits are a good option. However, zoning systems typically come out on top as the superior HVAC solution.

What’s Wrong with Mini-Splits?

As a contractor, you will quickly notice the hassle of trying to install mini-splits. Installations take a lot of labor, often spanning multiple days or more.

The issues with mini-splits will span the life of the equipment. Mini-splits require you to install bulky and unattractive wall-mounted units in nearly every room, as well as run power lines down the exterior of the home. Expect the homeowner to also complain about cold air blowing on them, “buzzing” noises, locker room smells, and all of the dirt and mold that will frequently build up on the units.

Why are Zoning Systems Better than Mini-Splits?

Zoning systems are minimally invasive to the homeowner and also offer easy installation. Compared to mini-splits, you can shave off days of installation time when setting up a zoning system since you use the ductwork already present in the home.

Zoning systems also come with a number of benefits that positively impact the day-to-day life of the homeowner, which means more satisfied customers, better reviews, and fewer upset maintenance calls. They don’t require bulky wall units that make noise and gather mold. Zoning systems allow homeowners to personalize their comfort, using multiple thermostats to allow different family members to set different parts of a house to their temperature liking. When used correctly, this can also lead to operational cost savings by not heating or cooling spaces when they don’t need further temperature regulation.

Contact us

Want to become a HVAC zoning contractor? Arzel Zoning offers better zoning systems for all means of heating and cooling. We stand behind our 100% comfort guarantee and flexible system designs, meaning that we can help you provide your customers with a more comfortable living space.

Ready to learn more? Watch our quick explainer video or contact one of our experts today.

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